A traditional gold necklace, worn by ladies.
Jewellery in form of gold is regarded as status symbol and this tradition still continues. Mahers would spent...
Music and Dance
Music and dance are at most colourful and energetic during weddings and at Navratri.
Folk music and dance of Gujarat is about the feeling of,...
Food and Drink
Traditional Gujarati Thali
Main diet consists of "rotli" (chapatti) made of flour and "sak" (curry, made of various vegetables). "Rotalo" is sometimes eaten instead of rotli,...
Art and Craft
Fabric Design
Art and craft are very colourful and vibrant. They are mainly based on religion and on their way of life.
Indian art and crafts...
Language and Literature
Mother tongue is Gujarati
Mahers are from Gujarat and hence speak and write gujarati, one of the hundrends of different languages spoken in India. Hindi...
What is to be called a Maher?
A typical illustration of “Baharwatias”, horse, sword, gun and dressed in all white.
As a young girl, growing up in Kisumu, Kenya to be a...
Maher on Horse with sword and shield
Surname is very important in Maher community and each surname has a long and distinctive history.
This is especially...
Way of life
Ox's are still the pride of Maher farmers
Farming is the traditional livelihood in India and the people farm using traditional methods. However, modern machinery,...
Costumes are very distinctive and can be easily recognised. These are very important part of Maher culture, that has been past on from generations...