New UK Maher Sports Committee 2003

UK Maher Sports Committee 2003

Maher Samaj

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We hope you all are in good health. Most of you may not be aware that two of the Leading members of the UK Maher sports, Keshu Maher and Bhoja Karavadra, have resigned at the last Maher tournament in Leicester. These gentlemen have given us their invaluable service for 15 years with wholehearted effort and progression to date. They have personally experienced various positive and negative feeling during this period. We hope they have walked away with the positive ones and left the negative in the past. Without their dedication to our community we would not be the position we are in now attempting to advance our community sports committee due to the fact that without them we would probably have no committee to advance. We would like to say a big “THANK YOU” from the bottom of our hearts to them both for their excellent service to the community and wish them best of luck for future.

At the present there is NO UK Maher sports committee and we are four volunteers (Named: Pratap Odedra, Mahesh Odedra, Ram Odedra and Anand Khunti). We would like to take this on board and reform the committee again as we feel it is essential to keep our young generation together within the community as much as possible. Recently overall participation in the sports has declined and we feel we are drifting from each other. The community as whole has to do something together, in order to keep our culture alive for the sake of our future generation.

Our aim is to attract more youngsters to participate and show more interest toward the community as soon as possible. We believe this will help to bond our community more strongly together. Maher sport is for all, not just male dominated. We need to encourage female participations and generate more interests. What we are looking for is bright future. We need to rival existing communities to enhance our reputation and bridge the gap between us and them. We need to encourage more interesting events and participants.


Our immediate objectives are as follows:

1. Reform the UK Maher sports committee
2. Establish single point of contact from each town
3. Encourage more sports events
4. Increase female participation
5. Accommodate social events for younger generation

e shall be holding a football tournament on the Saturday 8th February 2003 at our community centre. This will give all of us a chance for any discussion and new volunteers to come forward to elect a new committee so even if your are not playing please come and take part in the discussion.

The entry forms and details of the evening event can be found in sports section.

We would like feedback with your views and suggestion in order to make our committee more modern and keep up there with other casts sports committees. We are looking for dedicated and interested members who can be part of this future project. You can contact us either by writing back to us at the centre for the attention of Maher Sports UK or via the email address listed below. This email is purely for UK Maher sports and any views and suggestion will be welcomed.

Kind Regards