Maher Dandiya Mandli performs in Uruguay

Maher Chaya Dandia Raas Group perfoming in Uruguay
Chaya Maher Dandiya Mandli performs at Festival of India in Argentina.

Porbandar’s Chaya based Maher Ras Group were invited to perform Maher Gujarati tradtional Raas in Festival of India organized in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The Festival of India was organized in different country every year to showcase Indian culture.

Chaya based Maher Ras Mandli was established in 1970.

About Festival of India in Uruguay

The Embassy of India in Uruguay and the government of the city of Montevideo present the Festival of India, intended to promote and portrait the Indian culture in our country. The inauguration will take place on Thursday, November 5th, 2009, at 12 noon, in the Sheraton Hotel, Montevideo.

The festival includes dance and music performances representing different regions of India; Bollywood film festival at Centro Cultutal Borges; painting and photo exhibitions at Casa de la Cultura; workshops and seminars on Indian culture, yoga, ayurveda and meditation; demonstrations of Bollydance.

All the events, except the food festival, are free and open to the public.

Festival of India in Uruguay

Chaya Maher Dandiya Mandli performs at Festival of India in Uruguay
Chaya Maher Dandiya Mandli performs at Festival of India in Montevideo, Uruguay


More information visit Festival of India website